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Colby McGinley

Lead Architect

Education:  B.S. Architecture with specialization in Construction Management – Black Hills State University, Spearfish, SD; M. Architecture South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD


Colby McGinley is a licensed Architect in the State of South Dakota since July of 2024. He was hired to fulfill the Lead Architect position for Puetz Design+Build in 2024. He has nearly 6 years of experience in the Architecture profession and multiple years of experience as a laborer in residential construction. Colby has been involved in numerous large scale projects in and around the Sioux Falls area, including the Minnehaha County Juvenile Justice Center and the University of South Dakota Health Science Building. He is responsible for working with clients throughout the entire design process, contract administration, conceptual design, production of construction documents, and Engineer consultant coordination.

Puetz Design + Build

Your Full Circle Building Solution 605-996-2276 PO Box 968, 800 N. Kimball St. Mitchell SD 57301 US 43.71703230 -98.02257020 5100 W. 63rd Circle North Sioux Falls SD 57107 US 43.60567290 -96.78950700 1801 E. Wells Avenue Pierre SD 57501 US 44.35902510 -100.32613100