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Annahamling Lowres

Anna Hamling

Architectural Designer

Education: Bachelor of Arts, Architecture and Master of Architecture -South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD

Anna joined the Puetz Design + Build team in November of 2024 and is on her way to becoming a licensed architect.  She has previous work experience with Schemmer in Sioux Falls working on a variety of projects including schools and behavior health center.  Anna’s keen attention to detail, paired with her collaborative mindset, enables her to contribute effectively to each project, from concept through construction.

Puetz Design + Build

Your Full Circle Building Solution 605-996-2276 PO Box 968, 800 N. Kimball St. Mitchell SD 57301 US 43.71703230 -98.02257020 5100 W. 63rd Circle North Sioux Falls SD 57107 US 43.60567290 -96.78950700 1801 E. Wells Avenue Pierre SD 57501 US 44.35902510 -100.32613100